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Back in the days when Dragon Magazine arrived in our mailbox every month, The first thing I would read was Dragonmirth. Great comics to give your day a chuckle or two. Some of the more famous strips were Wormy and Snarfquest, which were incredible, great stories and art. Here are some of the one panel funnies, as well as some slightly raunchy poems. Follow me for a bit of fun!
It's always nice to have a barbarian in the party, even of social interactions are a bit difficult.


Some GMs think nothing of throwing you out of your nice, safe World War II game and into Twilight 2000.

Players will play. 

Wizards have to do more than just teach their apprentices spells.

What is he planning, to scare the dragon to death?

You're about to run out of dungeon...

Ever wonder who invented the equipment in your gym?

Who you gonna call?

The things that players try to get away with.

One of the reasons I truly enjoy low level characters, every encounter is a challenge.

Wonder if the Giants are planning on forming an Olympic team?

Don't forget to write a thank you note.

Bad puns never go out of style.

I hope that you enjoyed our look at some of the early comics, if you have special memories of Dragon Magazine, let me know in the comments.


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